I made this video in like an hour and a half. I just used Windows Movie Maker. My anniversary of a year and a half with Ian is on Sunday. I don't think we have any plans, nor do we need to make any or exchange gifts but I put this together for him.
I've started compiling lists of stand up comedians I would one day like to be grouped with and stand up comedians I would never, ever want to have anything to do with.
I didn't get my check until today and I almost went nuts. Seriously.
Money doesn't last long; I really need to reteach myself how to stretch a dollar. I used to be the cheapest person on the planet...I didn't feel a need to buy clothes or food. I didn't really go out because the newspaper consumed the majority of my life. I took as many extra shifts as I could (this was when I was working for a very large retail corporation) and I saved $1500 within two months for school. I was getting paid minimum wage.
I guess I spend money now for the basic fact that my mom does not shop properly so I buy my own food most of the time. I buy really cheap and inexpensive (cheap and inexpensive are two different things) shirts from Target because I work four to five days out of the week and get tired of wearing the same shit. I guess that's why wearing a uniform wasn't really a problem for me, I didn't have to worry about my clothes. I could basically wear a t shirt and jeans or black pants underneath the required uniform.
It's also difficult to save because while Ian spends more money than I do, he also earns more than me. It makes me feel...horrible that he has to support me the way he does but I also know that I cannot afford to spend $20-40 a day like I sometimes do now. We're going grocery shopping Thursday so hopefully we can just stock up and eat the majority of that food for the next two weeks and maybe plan a dinner date sometime in between then. We have to start acting more adult and less like "we have our parents' money for the weekend while they're out of town! let's buy chips and candy!" or pizza or Korean bbq or sushi or chinese food, etc. etc.
It's hard but I think it'll be worth it in the end when we move in together in April and I will have saved a couple thousand dollars for rent, moving fees, security deposits, animal fees, furniture, stuff like that.
I've also decided that this weekend I will be closing my account with Verizon and I'll be going over to U.S. Cellular or T-mobile for a prepaid phone. That way, my mother can stop taking my money and I'll refuse to give it to her the two months I am stuck in this house with her. That will make it a lot easier to save, I think. My philosophy is that every little bit helps...doesn't it?
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