Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 9

Day nine: Something you're proud of in the past few days.

I'm proud of the fact that we just made our one year anniversary. I've never been in this long of a stable relationship. I dated someone off and on for four years and we never celebrated an anniversary. Not one. That had a lot to do with the fact that we spent more time arguing and less time being happy.
Ian and I have been through a lot I guess. I'm really happy with him and I'm glad that we had a good anniversary. He took me to the Garfield Conservatory. We went to dinner later. I wore a dress - this never happens, by the way. I had scallops for the first time. Ian would not let me bring my camera with to the restaurant because he said "it's not THAT kind of restaurant." Whatever that means. I should have brought it because I had one of the most amazing meals of my life, thanks to him. And I wish I had the photos to prove it. I have to go back to work tomorrow. Apparently, I don't take enough "initiative." I had to ask about my progress to get an actual answer so tomorrow I'm going to take as much initiative as possible. It's difficult to do it on your own when there are almost always people shadowing you and talking over you. It's also difficult when you walk into the store, you clock in and you are IMMEDIATELY given jobs to do. Maybe...give me a second to do it myself. There are a lot of things wrong with the way the people in this store do things.
One day I'll write a book. I'll probably start it now just so everything's fresh in my memory. I don't want to get into it too much on here and there's a lot that I don't tell Ian because I know he's getting tired of me complaining - I'm getting tired of me complaining too but what can you do? Back to the grind tomorrow.

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