Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 24

Day 24: A letter to your parents.

Thank you for making so many mistakes that even I'll learn from them when raising my own children.
Mom - .......Sometimes I wonder how great my life would be if you didn't adopt me. I still see older women and imagine how painless my adolescence would've been if they were my mother instead of you. You often make me feel like everything I do is wrong or not good enough. I don't want to spend "quality time" with you because you've hurt me for years in ways that you can't ever comprehend. Most likely, when I have kids, you won't be allowed around them alone because I don't really want them to get hit or yelled at the way I was and still am when nobody is watching.
Dad - I wish you were still here. I often wonder what life would be like now if you were still around. I took you for granted. Whenever she gets out of control, I think of you and try to think of how you'd find a way out. I know that you felt that you screwed up my childhood by being sick but you didn't. I miss you.

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